“Rise” CD Release by Jess Novak & Ben Wayne

“Rise” CD Release by Jess Novak & Ben Wayne

By CNY Alive's Misse Thomas

Rise, by duo Jess Novak and Ben Wayne, was recorded in Nashville. It marks the eighth studio album for Novak and the first for Wayne though he also just released Expletive Repeated; a collection of his solo work. Both are songwriters and multi-instrumentalists. They are already working on new songs. This collaboration by the couple tells a story about the beginning of their relationship. Robyn Stockdale gets the credit once again for beautiful album artwork. It’s a 4 song EP streaming now on all platforms and available on CD at their shows. Carousel is easily one of my favorite songs to come out of CNY. The duo, otherwise known as Safe Word, performs regularly. Find their gigs on the cnyalive.com calendar.

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